Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Taking a Stand

Tomorrow will be an interesting day for the internet and its average users who may be unaware of what SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act), as Wikipedia and Reddit, and many other sites will be blacking out their websites to inform and enlighten everyone on the affects of a world where SOPA passes.

I find it interesting that there isn't a lot of chatter on the media about it, considering how widespread and ubiquitous the internet has become with our lives. A recent article I read talks about some major companies that have remained silent to the matter. The article points out that most of the companies have some kind of connection to government funding and thus don't want to upset the wrong people and are thus silently in support of SOPA.

But that continues to make me wonder that maybe the companies should be advocating for it and trying to bring everyone to support it, right? However, I wonder if what happened to GoDaddy and the amount of normal people that are against SOPA have anything to do with the stigma of proponents to the bill. Because there has been such a strong showing from the masses, maybe they have companies scared that they will lose major business and support which would also hurt them... making the best option, to just quietly wait to see what happens.

My guess, they don't want it passing any more most other people too... but can't speak out about that either. Most likely won't pass, but still interested to see the blackout tomorrow.

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